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  • Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
  • INETA Community Champion
  • Leader, NJDOTNET: Central New Jersey .NET User Group

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Princeton, NJ -- Community Events This Week

If you're in the Princeton, NJ area - or can somehow manage to get here - this week, boy do we have some events for you!  Infragistics has teamed up with our local .NET User Group (NJDOTNET) and our local Microsoft Developer Evangelists out of New York City to bring you the following awesome events:

  1. Thursday, December 11th, 1PM - 5PM:  MSDN Roadshow
    Presenters:  Peter Laudati and Bill Zack
    Session 1: Cloud Computing

    Hear about key problems that cloud computing is solving and how these services fit into the Microsoft cloud computing initiatives. Learn about the pillars of the platform, its service lifecycle, and see how they fit with both Microsoft and non-Microsoft technologies.

    Session 2: Silverlight 2 Application Development

    Now it’s time for you to get ready to build next generation rich Internet applications with Silverlight!  In this session, we’ll quickly review what the Silverlight 2 platform is, and then move into the bits and bytes.

    If you're interested, register using this link:


  2. Thursday, December 11th, 6:15-8:30 PM:  NJDOTNET User Group monthly meeting
    Topic:  The ASP.NET MVC Framework
    Presenter:  Jess Chadwick

    The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern is one that many developers are familiar with which separates an application into three main components: the model, the view, and the controller. The ASP.NET MVC framework provides an alternative to the ASP.NET Web Forms pattern for creating MVC-based Web applications. It is a lightweight, highly testable framework that allows you to easily incorporate this pattern into your applications, helping to separate the different aspects  (input logic, business logic, and UI logic) into loosely-coupled and pluggable elements.

  3. Saturday, December 13th,  9:30 AM - 5:00 PM:  NJDOTNET ASP.NET MVC Firestarter
    Join us at the Infragistics HQ to participate in an all-day, deep-dive into one of Microsoft's latest (and greatest!) technologies: ASP.NET MVC.

    At the ASP.NET MVC Firestarter, we’ll give you a quick tour of the framework, then peel back the layers and dive deeper into how it works.   As part of that, we’ll spend time discussing the design and development practices that lead to the creation of the MVC framework.  By the time you leave, you’ll have enough knowledge to get fired up and start building web applications with it.

    Detailed Agenda:

    • ASP.NET MVC Introduction
      • The MVC Design Pattern
      • Hello World Demo – Walking through routing, controllers, and views
    • Framework Fundamentals & Practices
      • C# 3.0 Primer
      • Anonymous Classes
      • Lambda Expressions
      • Extention Methods
      • LINQ
      • Dependency Injection
    • Routing & Controllers
      • Routing 101
      • Controllers – Actions & ActionResults
      • Controllers & TDD
    • Rendering Markup
      • Views (using WebForm tools)
      • Extensibility with View Engines
    • Working with Data
      • Creating & Submitting Forms
      • UI Helpers
    • Building Rich Web Interfaces
      • Applying AJAX Helper extensions
      • Walkthrough of ASP.NET AJAX + MVC Extensions
      • Enhancing MVC with jQuery
      • Action Filters & applying to AJAX

    If you are interested in attending this session, please register using the following link:


I look forward to seeing you at these great events!