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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ASP.NET MVC: Using Custom View Engines and Filters for AJAX

Way back in the time of ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 (last month), I was preparing for a presentation and decided that it would be nice to show just how simple it is to make your own View Engine.  Having found David Higgins' JsonViewEngine a few days earlier, I decided to expand a little upon it and add the option to emit either XML or JSON using the same engine.  After a little while, I had something looking like this that supported both:


public class SerializableViewEngine : IViewEngine
    public void RenderView(ViewContext viewContext)
        string method = viewContext.RouteData.Values["responseType"] as string;

        string serializedData = string.Empty;
        switch (method.ToLowerInvariant())
            case "json":
                serializedData = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(viewContext.ViewData);
            case "xml":
                serializedData = SerializeToXml(viewContext.ViewData);


    protected static string SerializeToXml(object o)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        using (TextWriter writer = new StringWriter(sb))
            new XmlSerializer(o.GetType()).Serialize(writer, o);
        return sb.ToString();

As far as building a custom ViewEngine goes, I figure this is a great example - other than the fact that I extracted my "SerializeToXml" logic out, this is a one-method override!  At first glance this (and David's) implementation may seem a little "underpowered" because of how few lines it took, but if you disassemble the System.Web.Mvc assembly or look at the MVCContrib code, you'll see that even real-world ViewEngine implementations can be this simple!  I guess that's one of the nice side-effects of separation of concerns - when big things are broken up into a bunch of pieces, those pieces are usually pretty small!

As for the details of this particular example, you'll notice that it checks the RouteData dictionary (populated from the routing tables you specified elsewhere) to see if it contains "responseType" (e.g. if one of your routes was "{responseType}/{controller}/{action}" and the url that was called looked something like "/json/products/categories") and try to honor it by serializing the ViewData that was passed from the controller into the requested result.  Once it has serialized the data, it just writes it directly to the Response and you're done!  You could then use this View Engine to render out all the async calls all day and night, just by setting the ViewEngine property on the controller instance like so:

Setting the ViewEngine

public void AsyncCategories()
    var categories = repository.GetCategories();
    this.ViewEngine = new SerializableViewEngine();
    return RenderView("Category", categories);

Simple as that, right?  Well, sure... but what happens when you end up making duplicate Actions for your "normal" browser and AJAX requests that have all the same logic with the exception of that one line?  The line that sets the ViewEngine is hard-coded in there, so you have to have separate Actions, right? 

Enter the ActionFilter!

Wrong!  After thinking about it for a minute I realized that this is the perfect place to use an ActionFilter (which was a good thing, because I just so happened to need a code example for that, too)!  And so, I got to coding and came up with this guy:


public class SerializableViewDataAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    public override void OnActionExecuting(FilterExecutingContext filterContext)
        var controller = ((Controller)filterContext.Controller);

        if (filterContext.RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("responseType"))
            controller.ViewEngine = new SerializableViewEngine();


As you can read about here (if you haven't already), ActionFilters are the perfect way to "inject" behaviors into your controllers.  I like to compare them to the ol' Web Forms ASP.NET Page Lifecycle events such as PreInit, Init, PreRender, Render, etc. that let you plug in to the various stages of processing a request and allow you to manipulate it accordingly.  For example, by overriding the OnActionExecuting method on the ActionFilterAttribute as shown above, you can plug into the request after it's reached the controller, but before any action has actually been taken on it.  I believe I could have also used OnActionExecuted to accomplish the same thing since I'm only setting the ViewEngine, but that just didn't "feel" right.

Using this new custom ActionFilter, I could apply it at the Action level - or the Controller level if I wanted to apply it to all of the controller's actions - and get rid of those silly duplicate Actions.  Now, instead of having the AsyncCategories Action shown above (which is assumedly just a duplicate of some other Action, perhaps called Categories) that explicitly overrides the ViewEngine with every request, I can now drop the line that sets the View Engine and let my new ActionFilter take care of setting it for me when it is appropriate!  In other words, the code above now turns into the code below, which handles both "regular" and AJAX calls with the same code!

Removing the ViewEngine code from the AsyncCategories Action

public void Categories()
    var categories = repository.GetCategories();
    return RenderView("Category", categories);

The first time I successfully saw the result of running this demo was the first time the power of ASP.NET MVC really hit me.  This whole example was just a bunch of really small and straight-forward (dare I say 'simple'?) pieces that, when put together, create some really amazing and powerful results.

Grab the Code and See For Yourself!

You can see all of this stuff in action by downloading the code from my website:


I welcome any and all feedback y'all can throw my way.  Enjoy!

UPDATE:  As the beginning of the post says, these are what you can do with the Preview 2 bits.  With the addition of the ActionResult in Preview 3 and the related methods on ActionFilter, you can actually ditch the custom ViewEngine altogether and just use the ActionFilter!  Not the ActionFilter I show here, mind you, but an updated version I will show in an up-coming blog.  :)


Anonymous said...

Jess, nice write up. I actually did something similar to this, however, I broke it down into multiple view engines... one for XML and one for JSON.

I actually didn't think about merging the two. However, my implementation required either one or the other, not both as an option.

-- David